Translating Tradition

Monograph, Kyoto Institute of Technology.


Translating tradition: Modern craft examined as a mediating activity between traditional workmanship and contemporary ways of production in Japan

Monograph published with the support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA Kansai Center






Technical sophistication and proximity to cultural values are two characteristics of Japanese craftsmanship that cannot be overlooked. Comprehending how these aspects are enmeshed demands a close analysis of the social practices, material environments, and political apparatuses that support them. In addition to offering a comprehensive mapping of ancient techniques that continue to be practiced across Japan, this work investigates the influence of contemporary ways of production in the country's traditional craft ecosystem. “Translating tradition" provides a unique empirical account of modern Japanese craft through a photographic record of studio visits and a case study.

On-site research was conducted for 8 months in the following locations: 2121 Design Sight, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art Kanazawa 金沢21世紀美術館, Aichi Prefectural Museum 愛知県美術館, Ando Museum アンドミュージアム, Benesse Art Site Naoshima ベネッセアートサイト直島, Benesse House Museum ベネッセハウスミュージアム, Chichu Museum 地中美術館, Eiji Miyaki Studio 宮木英至スタジオ, Gifu Museum of Fine Arts 岐阜県美術館, Hanabusa Bamboo Workshop 有限会社竹工房はなぶさ, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Inujima Seaside Gallery シーサイド犬島ギャラリー, Inujima Seirensho Museum 犬島精錬所美術館, Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art 石川県立美術館, Isuke Urushi Studio 株式会社イスケ漆器, Kaikado Studio, Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art 川村記念美術館, Kohchosai Kosuga Bamboo Studio 株式会社 公長齋小菅, Kyoto Museum of Contemporary Art 京都現代美術館, Kyoto Museum of Traditional Crafts Fureaikan 京都伝統産業ふれあい館, Kyoto National Museum 京都国立博物館, Lee Ufan Museum 李禹煥美術館, Miho Museum みほ ミュージアム, Miyaura Gallery 6 宮浦ギャラリー六区, Miyazaki Wood Industries  宮崎木材工業株式会社, Mori Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Nagoya City Art Museum 名古屋市美術館, Nakagawa Mokkogei Studio 中川木工芸比良工房, Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties 奈良文化財研究所, National Art Center, National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo, Nezu Museum, Nishimura Urushi Art Studio 西村圭功漆工房, Osaka Suzuki Studio 大阪錫器株式会社, Sagawa Art Museum 佐川美術館, Seto Pottery Village, Shizuoka City Museum of Art 静岡市美術館, Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art 静岡県立美術館, Suntory Museum of Art, Tajimi Yaki Pottery Village, Takashi Tomii Studio 富井貴志木の工房, Teshima Art Museum 豊島美術館, Teshima Yoko House 豊島横尾館 , The National Museum of Modern Art Kyoto MOMAK 京都国立近代美術館, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Urushi Oshima Totaro Studio 株式会社大島東太郎商店, Wajima Lacquerware Art Museum 輪島漆器業会館, Wajima Lacquerware Cooperative Center 輪島漆器商工業協同組合, Watari Museum of Contemprary Art, Yamanaka Cooperative for Wood and Timber Resources Management 山中商工業協同組合, Yamanaka Lacquerware Technical Center 山中漆器産業技術センター.






Japan, material culture, meaning-making, modern design, traditional technology



Suggested citation


  • Vega, Luis (2014). Translating Tradition: Modern craft examined as a mediating activity between traditional workmanship and contemporary ways of production in Japan. Self-published with the support of the Kyoto Institute of Technology and the JICA Kansai International Center. Kobe: Author.


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